Motivational moral stories for life

watch_later Sunday, November 13, 2022

The moral word comes from the Latin word mores, Which means habit. A moral stories suppose to teach a person and the kids to be a better person in society. A moral story’s characters may be some animals or birds or any kind of creature also can be humans and gods and that kind of story called a fable story. Moral stands for good or ethical. If a person has a good moral character he will be a good person in society. And the person can be called “the person with morality”.

Motivational moral stories for life

Moral stories dont believe person never changed nature

Moral stories of fox and cranes invitation

Moral story cunning wolf and greedy crane, dont believed wrong person

Moral story of the wolf and the goat

The moral story of glass of milk

The moral story of the grasshopper and the ant

moral story of bundle of the stick

Moral story of the daydreaming monk

Complaining to the wise man, A moral story

Moral story of the bolder placed on the road

The moral story of the salt seller and the foolish donkey

A moral story on advice of budhdhha to the snake

Moral story of King robart bruce

Moral story of sometime just let the time flow

Moral story of gods advice

Moral story of th kings foolish monkey

Moral story of the two crow and the snake

Moral story of the returning boy by train

Moral story of the blind man with fuel light lamp

Moral story of the worker ant

Motivational story of the mind is ruler

Moral story of firmars field

Moral story of the golden touch

Moral story of the tiger and the crane

Moral story of the thirsty crow

Science story of time travel

Moral story of the two cat and the monkey's bread dividing

Moral story of a cat and a foxs discussion about hounds

Moral story of the ant and the dove

Moral story of the foolish crow with a piece of meat

Moral story of the liar cowboy

Moral story of the monk and the evil snake

Moral story of the grapes are sour

Moral story of the Akbar and Birbal

Moral story of the two pot